Upon the decision of an expert four-member jury, the V4 Award is given to the best student project from the countries of the Visegrad Group. The partnership, based on shared values, was established between the OFF Bratislava festival and the International Visegrad Fund. It reinforces the effort to offer optimum conditions of support and promotion. Together with the V4 Award, an original piece by the ceramist Simona Janišová, the winner will also receive a 1000 Euro prize.


The V4 Award for 2024 was presented to Kristína Kiliková from Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín for the project entitled Fractus. The jury members were: Viola Fátyol, Jarosław Klupś, Silvia Saparová and Marcela Záchenská.
The V4 Award for 2023 went to Aleksandra Soćko from The Academy of Fine Art in Łódź for the project entitled Your Home Is Where Your Trash Are. The jury members were: Tomáš Agat Błoński, Zuzana Pustaiová, Gabriella Uhl and Michaela Bosáková.
The V4 Award for 2022 went to Kristína Baloghová from The Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava for the project entitled The Cloud Is Full. The jury members were: Walter Bergmoser, Gábor Arion Kudász, Michaela Obermair and Zuzana Lapitková.

Festival z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia.