On Award

Upon the decision of an expert four-member jury, the ON Award is given to the best student project from the section OFF Academy. This is one of the festival's means to offer optimum conditions of support and promotion. Together with the ON Award, an original piece by the ceramist Simona Janišová, the winner is automatically granted the possibility to present the work at the solo exhibition during the next year of the festival of contemporary photography OFF Bratislava.


At the fifteenth edition of the festival, the ON Award was presented to Hungarian artist Áron Tóth-Heyn from Moholy-Nagy University in Budapest for his installation titled Us, Living on the Crust. The project delves into the concept of borders between countries, especially at the edge of the Schengen area.

The jury members were: Viola Fátyol, Jarosław Klupś, Silvia Saparová and Marcela Záchenská.
The fourteenth ON Awardee is Taiwanese photographer Yu-Chen Hsu from the University of Europe for Applied Sciences in Germany. Her project entitled Last serves as a time capsule of the memories of the millennial generation. A capsule that preserves non-digital images for the future when they no longer exist.

The jury members were: Tomáš Agat Błoński, Zuzana Pustaiová, Gabriella Uhl and Michaela Bosáková.
The annual ON Award for 2022 and the solo exhibition opportunity went to Martina Havlová from University of West Bohemia in Pilsen for her project entitled My Coat Got Caught in Brambles. The project consists of a photo book, texts and seven pewter casts of nature products. It is primarily an invitation to perceive the passing of time, not as a line, but as a circle, symbolizing an optimistic return to the beginning.

The jury members were: Walter Bergmoser, Gábor Arion Kudász, Michaela Obermair and Zuzana Lapitková.
At the twelfth edition of the festival, the ON Award went to Austrian artist Peter Pflügler from the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, for his personal project Now Is Not the Right Time. It is based on the long-kept secret that his father once tried to commit suicide. However, as the author himself states, the whole work grew into a reflection on secrets and the impossibility of keeping them.

The jury members were: Szilvia Mucsy, Olja Triaška Stefanović, Jan van Woensel and Zuzana Lapitková.
The eleventh ON Awardee is Hungarian photographer Bence Molnár from the Rippl-Rónai Faculty of Arts and Theatre, Szent István University, Kaposvár. His black and white document Inside tries to capture the feeling of loneliness that results from schizophrenia, using a conceptual approach. At the same time, it is intended to point out that the human being is primarily a social creature.

The jury members were: Andrej Balco, Verena Kaspar-Eisert, Tomáš Pospěch and Zuzana Lapitková.
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The OFF Bratislava festival publication activity involves three volumes of the awarded series review, ON Award 2010 - 2012, ON Award 2013 - 2015 and the more extensive ON Award 2010 - 2018. Upon the decision of an expert four-member jury, the ON Award is annually given to an artist for a progressive and inventive work in the field of photography and new media.

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